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Noah Landsberg
By admin
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January 29, 2024

The world of influencer marketing is awash with platforms of all kinds: There are influencer marketplaces, influencer relationship platforms, analytics platforms, and end-to-end suites that cover just about everything. What the industry is lacking is a decent, streamlined tool, the kind of purpose-built app that requires no learning curve to use and isn’t trying to be all things to all people.

If this review were a meme, now is the time when we’d say “InsightIQ has entered the chat.” InsightIQ is a brand new tool designed to do just three things: creator discovery, campaign tracking, and ROI measurement. And it does all these things using an AI algorithm that ingests and analyzes a boatload of first-party data from creators across multiple social channels. InsightIQ gathers the influencer data through an API connection with social media channels; it’s not the standard public-data scraping algorithm that many influencer platforms tend to rely on.

While there are many other platforms that do what InsightIQ does, there aren’t that many tools. InsightIQ’s biggest selling point is the fact that it doesn’t do much else besides ingest and analyze data. If you’re using a platform that only has third-party and anonymous data—but you’re otherwise happy with it—something like InsightIQ is the perfect, complementary solution. A streamlined tool is exactly what you need, and InsightIQ is exactly that tool.

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